日本財団 図書館


(3) Record entry and maintenance method concerning the matters listed in the two preceding subparagraphs.


(Designation Standards for Designated Scheduled Air Carrier)
Article 164-(5). Designation as a designated scheduled air carrier under Article 72 paragraph 5 of the Law, shall he given to a carrier who conforms to the following standards:
(1) The carrier shall have an organisation for selecting candidates for pilot-in-command and candidates for pilot inspector, and the selection standards for these persons shall conform to international standards;
(2) The carrier shall have an organisation and the number of instructors more than required for training candidates for pilot-in-command and candidates for pilot inspector and the facilitates for training candidates shall he adequate.
(3) Course, training period and training methods for training candidates for pilot-in-command and candidates for pilot inspector shall conform to international standards.
(4) The carrier shall have an independent organisation for executing approval under Article 72 paragraph 5 of the Law and for conducting examinations under paragraph 6 of the same Article, and shall have not less than the required number of persons who satisry the requirements prescribed in each of the subparagraphs of Article 164-(1 1).
(5) For persons who have received nomination under Article 72 paragraph 9 of the Law (hereinafter referred to as "pilot inspector"), the independence of authority in executing approval under paragraph S of the same Article and in examinations under paragraph 6 of the same Article shall be reliably certified.
(6) The contents of the standards of evaluation for approval under Article 72 paragraph S of the Law and for examinations under paragraph 6 of the same Article shall conform to the contents and the standards of evaluation for approval under Article 72 paragraph 1 of the Law and for examinations under paragraph 2 and 3 of the same Article as prescribed by the Minister of Transport.
(7) Record entry and maintenance method for the relevant records shall he acceptable.


Article 164-(6). The provisions of Article 163-2) shall apply accordingly to any approval under the Article 72 paragraph 5 of the Law conducted by a designated scheduled air carrier.


2. The provisions of Article 164 paragraphs 2 and 3 shall apply accordingly to approval under Article 72 paragraph 5 of the Law and to examinations under paragraph 6 of the same Article executed by a designated scheduled air carrier. In this case "an officer designated by the Minister of Transport" in Article 164 paragraph 3 shall be read as "a pilot inspector".





